The below FAQ will help you to unfold many doubts regarding the purity of your essential oils & the ability, & the possibility to test them at home with limited resources.

Do essential oils burn your skin?

Yes. Pure oils do burn, if used directly on the skin or may show rashes & irritating feelings. But does it guarantee purity? Maybe Not.! Only a series of lab tests can only confirm its purity. Do a patch test before using.

Your oil bottle smells strong & you are in doubt?

Although a strong aroma is not a substantiative fact to call it synthetic, the possibility of adulteration with synthetics & artificial scents is not ruled out. Most Pure oils give us a soothing aroma, & the olfactory system of our nose is a sophisticated instrument to figure it out. Although some natural aroma is strong, they give us a calming effect rather than a headache. At the same time, we assume you don’t have allergic conditions.

The bottle smells natural but has an intense aroma.

It may happen sometimes. Whenever we come across any aroma, we relate it with its natural herbs, like, when we smell a concentrated lemongrass oil bottle, we expect the light lemony smell that the fresh lemongrass leaves give after we boil it for tea. When we smell the herbs directly or after boiling, a very low amount of aroma activates our olfactory system but the essential oil bottle has a concentrated form, which sometimes feels slightly different to our sensory nerves.
So how do we know our oil? Simple, Just put it in the diffuser. Diffusion splits the oil into a fine mist and makes the natural essential oil disperse over a larger area in your room, thus creating a nature-like environment. Your nose can instantly recognize the natural heavenly aroma around you. You can never expect this from a synthetic version.

Vapourises Fast

Yes, pure oils are volatile. But if it’s mixed with alcohol, it will also show the same volatile response. So it can be deceptive as a testing method.

Little Pricy?

Yes, pure essential oils are not cheap to produce.

Paper test at home. Is it useful?

Yes, to some extent, as many pure essential oils do respond to the paper test. Put a drop of oil on the paper and let it dry to see if any ring or spot is left over after drying, which signals adulteration. But a few essential oils like lemongrass, sandalwood, etc have a thick composition and are not suited for the paper test, so those pure oils tested on paper would form a  ring giving wrong assumptions. Stay informed.

Note: Use cotton rag paper for this test and not a printer or any other type of paper as they are chemically bleached and would react to the oil giving weird results.

So which test can solve our testing requirement at home?


The paper test can be deceptive if alcohol is mixed, so one may never know its content. And with the degree of alcohol content, it can be also designed to evaporate on paper after a specific time.
Remember, these small home test tricks are known to the industry, and few spurious manufacturers have already devised ways to smartly manipulate the oil to match your testing results. So a single test can never be sufficient due to the complexity of adulteration.

We do all the expensive lab tests per our testing protocols, to find the truth of the purity of the oil we procure.

At home, the best test we can do is the diffusion test and confirm the aroma of the oil. Trust your nose to identify the pure soothing aroma. But if you have a cold and a slightly blocked nose, it is not the right time for this test, as the pure oil aroma is light, and your olfactory won’t pick it up now.

Importance of Patch Test

The sensitivity level of every person varies, so a patch test is a prerequisite before regular usage. When you use it for the first time, you need to know if the essential oil suits you. Still, we may use pure essential oils with increased dilution with a carrier oil.

Do you have Sensitive skin?

Please be doubly careful of using pure essential oils, as they are highly concentrated. Always dilute it with a carrier oil and do a patch test to find that it suits you.

Dandruff, acne skin conditions not reliving?

Essential oils are known to relieve us from many skin conditions like dandruff, but may not be equally effective for each of us, as skin conditions depend on several other underlying factors, affecting each one of us differently.

Still, Essential oils are considered safe alternatives to harsh anti-dandruff chemical shampoos that contain toxins. Similarly, other skin problems may be relieved significantly in a natural way.


The pure aroma may appear strong to few. It is possible, as we respond differently to different aromas, and what suits someone may not suit others. So the best option here is to increase the ventilation of your room before you increase the dilution level in your diffuser.

Still, if you find it strong and suppose you used 10 drops for 100ml in your diffuser, you may try with 4-6 drops in 100ml and find the right mix for you. But keep in mind too much dilution may not produce the required aroma. If you have a nasal allergy with high sensitivity to smell, always start with maximum dilution and ventilation.

If it still doesn’t work, maybe the oil is not for you, so stop using it as there is no point stressing your body with something meant for relaxing your body.

Can we use a diffuser every day?

Yes, essential oils can be diffused every day. It is best to use intermittent diffusion, i.e., diffusing for 30-60 minutes and then off for 30-60 minutes. Don’t expose your infants to essential oil diffusion.

Oil Changeover in a diffuser?

If you have already used your diffuser with any essential oil, then you have some cleaning work to do. Wash the diffuser cup with a detergent thoroughly to get rid of any existing smell. If it has a cotton stick, clean it with any liquid soap. Or the top note of both the oils will react to give a different aroma.

Do all pure essential oils have the same soothing aroma?

Now, this is an important revelation. We test many pure essential oils, while their lab test shows the natural compounds to have impressive purity results, but they are not always soothing. Further analysis point to the reasons for,  dependability on the region of cultivation, weather conditions, air quality, and plant care. All these factors also affect the herb’s inherent quality and aroma. So, our effort is not just on purity, but also to source that happy plant, that can fill your home with a heavenly aroma.

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